Our Values
Our mission is ‘helping protect our communities’ because we believe everyone is entitled to live and work in a safe and secure environment. After significant R&D investment over the last 18 years we’ve developed a mature suite of solutions with an enviable track record. We’re proud to be the largest Australian-owned provider of identity-dependent, biometrically-enabled solutions.

We anticipate change and adapt quickly

We build convenience so you start realising the benefits fast

We build solutions unique to Argus and ahead of the market

We provide a single point of contact for everything we do

We make the user experience flawless

We give our clients certainty of identification
The Argus technology stack
At the heart of each True ID Solution is an enterprise-wide single point of biometric identification and authentication built on the Argus True ID Framework.
Our True ID stack ensures our clients are never locked into a single vendor. It allows the biometric technologies in each solution to be swapped out or modified as required. True ID solution is built to expand and evolve with both advances in technology and developments in the client’s requirements. The results are scalable solutions future-proofed to ensure a long life in a rapidly changing environment.
Cornerstone® is a highly-configurable biometric identification management suite. It is based on our True Identity® Framework and implemented as a range of fully-functional inter-linked business modules.
Cornerstone has a proven track record with federal and state government organisations, as well as banks, airports, and data centres.
Cornerstone is easily integrated with third party systems such as building management and security applications to maximise re‑use of existing information.

Our clients

Our expertise
Our projects are critical to ongoing business operations so we have the right expertise and qualifications to make sure we deliver on time and on budget. Our consultants are PMP certified with extensive experience working with virtual teams across international boundaries.
Argus Operate to ISO 9001, 2000, 27000 &15408 Standards
Architectural standards used include AAMVA, ICAO, NIST, JITC, FIPS 140-2 Level 3, AES FIPS-197, Triple-DES, Blowfish, PKI with RSA, SSL 128, X.509, BioAPI, ASIO T4, SCEC, Common Criteria EAL2.

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